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About Us


At DM Coaching, our ethos revolves around fostering a sense of belonging and encouragement within our community. We’re committed to building strong bonds with our players, ensuring they feel valued and supported every step of the way. Our dynamic environment pulsates with energy, driving our players to embrace challenges and expand their horizons. Through our relentless dedication to pushing boundaries, we empower individuals to surpass their own expectations, ultimately shaping them into resilient athletes and confident individuals prepared for success in any arena.

0 +
Years of Experience Combined
Professional Trainers
0 K+
Children trained

Shaping Tomorrow's Champions

At DM Coaching, our foundation rests on six fundamental values that guide everything we do. These values aren’t just words to us – they’re the essence of our approach to nurturing young footballers into resilient, confident individuals. Let’s delve into what we believe in and provide for the children we work with.


We ignite passion for football in every child we work with.


We cultivate a sense of belonging within our football community.


We empower children to believe in their abilities.


We foster resilience through challenges and setbacks.


We create an inclusive environment where every child feels welcome.


We focus on holistic development, both on and off the pitch.

Meet the DMCoaching team

Danny MaYne

Head Coach & Owner

Ryan Williams

Lead Coach

Josh Mansell

Outfield Coach

Wayne Harper

Outfield Coach (Development Academy)

Shane Maydew

Lead goalkeeping coach

Aryaan Mahmood

Outfield Coach

Neil Page

Community Lead Coach

Brad Price

Technical Coach

Ben Nightingale

Community Coach

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